Welcome to ESCI
Engineered Solutions Carbon Index

What is ESCI?

The Engineered Solutions Carbon IndexTM (ESCI) is a pioneering measure designed to evaluate the performance of engineered solutions within the voluntary carbon market (VCM). The ESCI integrates multiple metrics to provide a clear benchmark for the pricing and valuation of engineered carbon credits.

Why We Need ESCI?

With the increasing need for carbon credit investments driven by regulatory changes and institutional pressures, the ESCI addresses the critical requirement for a standardized pricing methodology in the evolving VCM. As the market transitions from nature-based to engineered solutions credits, the ESCI becomes essential for ensuring transparency and reliability in pricing.

ESCI Highlights

  • Purpose
    Benchmark for engineered solutions carbon credit investments
  • Market Coverage
    Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) in the US, with potential expansion
  • Challenges Addressed
    Lack of standardization, quality variability, and transparency in VCM
  • Components
    Spot pricing for a range of engineered credits
  • Calculation Method
    Weighted average based on market share and price per credit with trading volume expected as the market matures
  • Weighting Methodology
    Market share adjusted for price variability with transaction volume expected
  • Price Variability
    Influenced by technology, project scale, geographical locations, and standards compliance among others
  • Index Maintenance
    Managed by Clear Rating, LLC
  • Reporting
    Quarterly (initially), moving to monthly and greater frequency as the market develops
  • Rebalancing
    Reviewed quarterly

Historical ESCI Pricing

4 Week Pricing Table

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